Sunday, July 7, 2013

Throwback: The girl's first birthday 2010

Ok so I'm going to do a little bit of... I don't know what you'd call it... back track blogging?  I should have started a family blog years ago, because now I think it's a great place to pretty much dump all the precious family memories and have it to reflect on later.  Since my daughter is having her fourth birthday right around the corner, I want to revisit her birthdays from the past.  So onward!

Here she is just a week before the first birthday

And here she is enjoying a cupcake from my aunt's deli

And now onto the party prep, which always happens the night before the party in our house.  
Since it was a one year old's party, the decorations are pretty simple.

This is pretty important, because these two stuffed animals, Eeyore and Tigger, became inseparable from my daughter since the day she met them.

This was a banner I painted by hand for her party.

And I made this cake myself.

The day of the party

Here is the moment she met Tigger.  It was adorable because she instantly grabbed him, hugged him tight and tried to leave immediately as if to say "This is all I needed!  Thanks everyone!  Great party!"  She was already pretty happy just having Tigger to hug, she almost showed no interest in her other presents.

This chair came from Amy and Robert.  They always manage to find some of the coolest presents for my kids.

And this was at the point where the baby is all tuckered out from an exciting day of having her first party ever.  She is ready for a nap!

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